There are a large number of guides for promoting various internet sites. They describe in detail what you need to do and implement on your site in order to increase SEO traffic in search engines.  An really reliable SEO expert should know all of these tricks already.

However, users often ask: What little tricks can you apply to improve your SEO traffic?

We will tell you about such small but effective details.Search Engine Optimization - Methods that work for 2020

Extended snippet

If the site has high traffic requests and it is on the list of the best, it is important to monitor the functioning of micro markup and extended snippets.

The main criteria to watch out for are:

  • Popularity indicator
  • The cost
  • Visual part
  • Basic text information

These are the most well-known details that can quickly increase your site’s SEO traffic in search engines.

Testing algorithm and snippets implementation:

  1. Collecting traffic pages from Google Analytics
  2. Change snippets to these pages
  3. View the number of clicks from search engines
  4. Analytics continued testing

When changing snippets, the instant growth of conversions does not often occur. In some cases, the picture will be negative. In this situation, all that remains is to test and wait.

The presence of new snippets will only become noticeable after a few days, usually from one to three infrequently used search engines.

This is one of the little tricks that can help you increase your search queries.

Updating information on the site

If your site already has several pages with the material, then you can replace or update it.

Information from articles

When updating the text, you can notify the search engine about it.

You can see such chips on different sites. Especially where there are a lot of articles that generate good SEO traffic.

What does it give:

  • Users will know that the content on the site is relevant
  • The search engine is notified of the information update

If you update your content from time to time on the site, you can significantly increase the number of transitions.


If you are selling something or writing articles, you can update the information with new reviews.

This will affect search engines, and they will select your articles and pages with the most profitable traffic.


The most important selection criterion for search engines is relevance.

The date affects the level of relevance. If you change the date and month of your post and help it to re-index, you can notice a good increase in conversions to your page.

If yours is for entertainment, in order to stay in the top of well-known search engines, you should perform the following algorithm every day:

  • Delete your URL
  • Transfer all information to a fresh address
  • In this case, the old address is updated to the just created

Thus, you get the first place in the top search engines and a high level of queries.

Loading resource

How your resource and its pages are loaded always affects the number of users. What you need to watch out for:

  • What capabilities does your server have
  • The weight of information on the site that can slow down the work process
  • Optimizing loads

If your site has a lot of SEO traffic and more than one hundred thousand visitors per day, you need to do some things. Create an additional subdomain to add pictures there. Create another one for videos, etc.

SEO Tracking Tools and ChartsSubsequently, you will be able to observe significant changes.

If your resources are heavily loaded, you need to have a good server right away. Optimization of the speed and load of the site should be on top

You need:

Learn the basics of code optimization in order to improve the performance of your site.


These little tricks will help you grow your website and increase its SEO traffic from search engines if done correctly.

Don’t forget to test and analyze what will help your site get traffic.

There are many more tricks for experienced users.

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